Walid Hegazy

How To Do :) IT

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System center configuration manager 2012 R2 (Part 5) Deploying Applications 1/2

After we now have our clients installed using any of the methods explained in part 4 , we can finally use our SCCM to  make our life easier Smile….let’s do application deployment !!


At a very high level with 2007 packages we put a bunch of files on the client then told the operating system to execute a command line. The application model is much more elegant. This model allows for user-centric deployments of applications, much better monitoring.

Applications can utilize the new approval request feature. This is the feature that allows the administrator to deploy applications to a wider user base, while still maintaining license control.

Deploy Approval Pending Application

When we deploy the application, we can require the user to request approval to install the application, or we can allow the installation at will, we will be deploying a sample application to the user and this application won’t install unless the SCCM administrator/approver approves it.


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